Havoc as Tanzania’s Fish Exports Plummet
Local fishers and factories are at the brink of bankruptcy as illegal fishing prevails in the waters of Lake Victoria, Tanzania.
Local fishers and factories are at the brink of bankruptcy as illegal fishing prevails in the waters of Lake Victoria, Tanzania.
Conflicts among fishing communities in Kenya have become rampant as a result of the declining fish production in Lake Victoria.
Bungoma has a target of 19.3 million trees that should be planted every year.
By extracting water hyacinth from rivers and lakes, Sande converts it into organic manure and animal feeds
Kenya’s ambitious plan aims to establish a national population of 750 Mountain Bongos within the next 50 years.
Liberata found herself the main bread winner of the family since the little they harvest is only enough for the family’s consumption.
Stocks of Manyara tilapias have plummeted to alarmingly low levels in recent decades due to unsustainable fishing.
Gitaza contends with the profound impacts of climate change, notably manifested in the relentless rise of Lake Tanganyika’s water levels
Team have installed an innovative solar-electric engine to Flipflopi’s latest vessel, a boat taxi fabricated entirely from recycled plastic.
One of the significant challenges we face in ensuring the availability of clean and safe water is pollution
It’s not just the Ngong forest that is suffering; the water from its important rivers is also becoming increasingly polluted.
The heavy rains are predicted to adversely impact public health, agriculture, and infrastructure in the region.